Presentazione del libro “Fra-intendimenti” di Kaha Mohamed Aden

Mercoledì 4 maggio 2016, nell’ambito del corso Migration and the Law della Laurea Magistralis World Politics and International Relations, la scrittrice Kaha Mohamed Aden* presenta il suo libro


La discussione coprirà questioni inerenti il tema delle migrazioni: i concetti di apolidia, cittadinanza, nazionalità, rifugiato e discriminazione.

h 16, aula 5 del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università degli Studi di Pavia

L’incontro si svolgerà in inglese

*Kaha Mohamed Aden is a young Italian and Somali author, who lives in Pavia and works as an intercultural mediator, writing is both triggered by autobiography and rooted in the experience of connecting cultures and migrant communities through the task of translation.

With its very title, Fra-intendimenti introduces the central theme of the precariousness of intercultural communication as a border practice. The deconstruction of the Italian word fraintendimenti, literally meaning “misunderstandings”, refers both to the migrants’ condition of living in-between (fra) languages and discourses (intendimenti), and to the risk of failure that is embedded in the exercise of cultural negotiation.” (Reviewed by Alessandra Marino)